Hello and happy Wednesday! I'm pleased to share a new feature of My Fair Vanity with you, called Shop My Fair Vanity.
I spend a lot of time sifting through the interwebs, doggedly searching for eco-friendly fabulousness and harassing PR people to find out where and how the things I like are made. And geez, someone should benefit from all of that searching and brand stalking, right?
Above, you see what I intend to be an on ongoing collection of items that are beautiful and fair (meaning made in the USA, fair trade, organic, vegan, made using recycled or sustainable materials, etc.). I hope you like it, but if you don't, or if you think it would be more useful to you if only I did x, y, or z, please do tell me in the comments-- I'm eager to make this a space you can depend on for all of your fair fashion needs. :)