Jason Hornick

Michael Andrade for The 2Fs

Jason Hornick

Jason Hornick

Jason Hornick

Studio Diana

Studio Diana
I'm psyched to share a few of the amazing shots taken by the talented photographers that attended the Capitol Movement show a few weeks ago at the Lincoln Theater.
You've seen Jason Hornick's work before here on My Fair Vanity, but I also wanted to share a few shots from Studio Diana and Michael Andrade/ the2Fs.
Dancing has been a part of my life since I could walk, so seeing it captured this way makes me so happy! Dance influences my style, my friends, my personality, and to my husband's frequent dismay, my taste in music. Once I've danced to a song, I LOVE it, even if it's the cheesiest pop or the craziest rap.
Fortunately, this particular show was filled with good music that I felt very lucky to be dancing to, and I've compiled a few of the songs you would have heard that evening below:
I'm so grateful to be a part of this incredible company. Without Capitol Movement, I would never have had the opportunity to dance all over the world (and to blog from the Great Pyramids!). There are endless ways that being a part of Capitol Movement feeds my soul, and I want my CMI family to know how much I love them and feel thankful for them every day.
To see more awesome dance photos and keep up with our latest dance adventures, come follow @CapitolMovement on Instagram!
To see more awesome dance photos and keep up with our latest dance adventures, come follow @CapitolMovement on Instagram!
The show was sooo amazing!!! Finally figured out how to get my pictures moving!! Post should be up today :-)